CD ROM Paradise Collection 4
CD ROM Paradise Collection 4 1995 Nov.iso
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Assembly Source File
173 lines
; load.asm -- program to read font file and throw into Planes 2 and 3 of the Vga
; This'll work for EGA as well.
; This is for font bigger than 8 pixels wide
;the data
;the program
vga_segment equ 0a000h ;display memory segment
sc_index equ 3c4h ;sequence controller
map_mask equ 2 ;map mask (sc)
; data segment starts here
data segment ; define data segment
nambuff db '(font name goes here)',0 ; maximum bytes
databuff db 16386 dup (?) ; data buffer
data ends
; -----------------------------
code segment
main proc far
assume cs:code,ds:data,es:data ;all segments set to code segment
; set up stack for return
push ds
sub ax,ax
push ax
; set ds to data segment
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
;point es to display memory for the rest of the program
mov ax,vga_segment
mov es,ax
sub di,di ; di = address 0 in display memory
; Stuff font bit patterns into planes 2 and 3
; port reg val
; modec dw 3c4h, 2, 1100b ; map mask (enable maps 2 and 3)
; dw 3c4h, 4, 7 ; memory mode (bitmap or serial)
; dw 3ceh, 5, 0 ; mode register (bitmap or serial)
; dw 3ceh, 6, 4 ; miscellaneous (seg = A000h)
mov dx,3c4h ; map mask
mov al,2
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,1100b ; enable maps 2 and 3
out dx,al
dec dx
mov al,4 ; memory mode
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,7 ; bitmap mode
out dx,al
mov dx,3ceh
mov al,5 ; graphics mode
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,0
out dx,al
dec dx
mov al,6 ; graphics miscellaneous
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,4
out dx,al
dec dx
; the funny thing about this program is that you can load the font bit patterns
; into the B000 segment instead of the A000 segment and it seems to work. This
; might be useful along with some dos extender program that wanted to use the
; A000 segment for extra DOS memory. But if you load the bit patterns into
; the B800 segment, it doesn't work. Does anybody know why?
; open file
mov dx,offset nambuff ; address of name
mov al,0 ; file open for reading
mov ah,3dh ; function to open file
int 21h ; call dos
mov bx,ax ; file handle in bx
; (error routine deleted)
; read file
mov cx,16386 ; number of bytes to read
mov dx,offset databuff ; address of buffer
mov ah,3fh ; function to read file
int 21h ; call dos
; mov si,bx ; save handle
; mov cx,ax ; number of bytes read in cx
; the loading routine
; Sends first byte in data buffer to plane 2, address 0 in video buffer
; Sends second byte in data buffer to plane 3, address 0 in video buffer
; Sends third byte in data buffer to plane 2, address 1 in video buffer
; Sends fourth byte in data buffer to plane 3, address 1 in video buffer
; tra la la la la, etc.
; set count
mov cx,8194 ; number of bytes to read/2
;point routine at data buffer
mov bx,offset databuff ; address of buffer
;select the plane that this object will be drawn in.
mov dx,sc_index ; point to sequencer index register
mov ah,4 ; select plane 2 (0100b)
mov al,map_mask ; map mask address register
out dx,ax ; send it
; get the byte in ah, send to plane 2
mov ah,[bx] ; get character
mov es:[di],ah ; move into memory location
; flip to the next plane
mov dx,sc_index ; point to sequencer index register
mov ah,8 ; select plane 3 (1000b)
mov al,map_mask ; map mask address register
out dx,ax ; send it
; get the byte in ah, send to plane 3
inc bx ; point to next byte in data buffer
mov ah,[bx]
mov es:[di],ah ;move into memory location
; loop until done
inc bx ; point to next byte in data buffer
inc di ; point to next address in video buffer
loop loopit
; close file
mov ah,3eh
int 21h
; reset VGA to text mode. Forget about BIOS, that resets everything
; You're basically changing it to odd-even mode and changing the video segment.
; Read Ferraro's book on the EGA/VGA if you don't understand.
; mode3 dw 3c4h, 2, 3 ; map mask (enable map 0/1)
; dw 3c4h, 4, 3 ; memory mode (odd/even)
; dw 3ceh, 5, 10h ; mode register (odd/even)
; dw 3ceh, 6, 0eh ; miscellaneous (seg = B800)
mov dx,3c4h ; map mask
mov al,2
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,3 ; enable maps 2 and 3
out dx,al
dec dx
mov al,4 ; memory mode
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,3 ; odd-even
out dx,al
mov dx,3ceh
mov al,5 ; graphics mode
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,10h ; odd/even
out dx,al
dec dx
mov al,6 ; graphics miscellaneous
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,0eh
out dx,al
dec dx
; set block specifier to 0, you could set it to something else too,
; but I haven't been using multiple fonts
mov ax,1103h
mov bl,0
int 10h
; clear screen
push es
push di
push cx
mov ax,720h ; clear screen to spaces
mov cx,39 * 100 ; this routine isn't really necessary
rep stosw
pop cx
pop di
pop es
mov ax,1h ; I forget why I did this
ret ; return to Dos
main endp ; end of main program
code ends
end start